Kid's Dentistree

They’ll thank you later.

After rebranding and creating animal ambassadors to make the dental experience fun for kids, that vibe needed to be built into the marketing materials.

Plan Production.
Add Complexity.

It wasn’t enough to have a dentist who speaks in tandem with animated characters like a clinical Mary Poppins. We also wanted to reach our Spanish-speaking community.

That meant finding two sets of kids to read for the characters. native English-speakers and native Spanish-speakers. Adult’s pretending to be kids just doesn’t sound right in voiceover.

Más de la mitad de los niños ya han tenido una a los 8 años.

Over half of kids have had one by age 8.

Hands down the most fun we had with this campaign was in video production. Just watch the spot.

English :30
Spanish :30
Spanish :15