The Mom Voyage
Planes, Trains & Baby Bottles
Traveling as a breastfeeding mother is no small task. In fact, there are dozens of complicated laws and regulations devoted to helping, and hindering, moms on the go. That’s where The Mom Voyage (pronounced the fancy way) comes in, educating new and seasoned mothers about breastfeeding when they aren’t nestled comfortably in their own home.
A logo, and not much else.
When I began working with The Mom Voyage, the brand had a logo and one chosen typeface. Not exactly a brand system.
I built a type system, expanded the color palette and created a modular graphic environment that could cover the breadth of content to be discussed.
Once I had a system to work within, designing motion graphics became an exercise of writing and rewriting rules. Ask a question, make a decision, repeat.
Visual hierarchy, animation stages, descriptive iconography. It all plays a role in building effective motion graphics.

There are dozens of graphics in the videos we produced for this subscription service. Here’s a preview of a few of my favorites.
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